+91 8943349991


Mon-Sun : 8:30 am to 7:00 pm

About Us

About Us

MAHIMA Counselling & Psychotherapy Centre

MAHIMA (Mental Health Initiative of Manappuram Foundation) aims to uplift the health of people especially in the coastal belt through focusing mainly on mental health by offering psychological support. Expert like Clinical Psychologist, Psychiatric Counsellor and Speech & Language Pathologist.

Various Psychological services, School based programs, Women Empowerment programs, Depression and LD Screening program with KUDUMBASHREE, Skill Development Programs and Trainings for women and children are being provided by MAHIMA. We provide guidance to Parents and Teachers through workshops and seminars.

The professionally qualified social workers who are specialized in Medical & Psychiatry and Community Development leads special training programs for the children with learning disability, conducts psychological tests, Brain gym, motivational classes, soft skill training programs and personality development programs with support from local administration for aided and unaided schools, Anganwadis, Kudumbasree Mission panchayath etc. along with family and school counseling. Financial support and student Scholarships are also provided by MAHIMA through verifications and reporting to the needy people.

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“Counseling is a professional relationship that empowers diverse individuals, families and groups to accomplish mental health, wellness, education and career goals.”